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Important notice: All names in this text (except one first name) are taken arbitrary from the telephone
directory. First names are taken from different pages than second names. Any similarity in names is accidental.
From: Alex Bach, field engineer
To: Vadim Zhukov, software engineer, Research & Development
Subject: bug in OS
Date: 4/1/97
Vadik, it looks like I found a next bug in OS. It’s something wrong with switching states.
Best regards, Alex.
From: Vadim Zhukov, software engineer, R&D
To: Dave Joyce, Manager, R&D
Subject: field engineers and a bug
Date: 4/1/97
Dave, I have a request from field engineers. It looks like they find another bug in ftstate. I
see they start to like that. Vadim.
From: Dave Joyce, Manager, R&D
To: Vadim Zhukov, software engineer, R&D, OS group
Subject: request of field engineers
Date: 4/1/97
Vadim, what do you mean when you say "they like that"? Dave.
From: Vadim Zhukov, software engineer, R&D, OS group
To: Dave Joyce, Manager, R&D
Subject: request of field engineers
Date: 4/1/97
Just, that they like the bug. Vadim.
From: Dave Joyce, Manager, R&D
To: Tim Stock, Vice President
Subject: request of field engineers
Date: 4/2/97
Tim, field engineers said they like the bug in ftstate manager in version 5.
What we are supposed to do? Dave.
From: Tim Stock, Vice President
To: Tolia Perin, Manager
Subject: request of field engineers
Date: 4/3/97
Tolia, field engineers require some new feature they call “the bug” in ftstate in version 5.
In what time you could validate the bug, if OS group will implement it? Could we fit in
time to include the bug in version 6 release? Tim.
From: Tolia Perin, Manager
To: Tim Stock, Vice President
Subject: request of field engineers
Date: 4/3/97
Tim, maybe it will require a bit more time. But I see no reason why it could be impossible.
From: Tim Stock, Vice President
To: Tolia Perin, Manager
Subject: request of field engineers
Date: 4/4/97
OK, do that. Tim.
From: Tolia Perin, Manager
To: Dave Joyce, Manager
Subject: request of field engineers
Date: 4/5/97
Dave, field engineers require to implement the bug in ftstate manager for Series 6. This
request is approved by Tim Stock. Tolia.
From: Dave Joyce, Manager
To: Tolia Perin, Manager
Subject: request of field engineers
Date: 4/5/97
Tolia, I don't understand what they like to have this time, but we will try, if possible. Do
you know what "THE BUG" is supposed to be? Dave.
From: Tolia Perin, Manager
To: Dave Joyce, Manager
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/8/97
No, I just received a request. Could Will contact field engineering himself? It would be
very useful for getting better specifications. I can issue Software Development Request
for this task. Tolia.
From: Dave Joyce, Manager
To: Will Wagner, Supervisor
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/8/97
There is a request of field engineering to implement THE BUG in ftstate of Version 6.
Could you estimate a time and time scheduling to do that? Dave.
From: Will Wagner, Supervisor
To: Keith Hensen, Vadim Zhukov, Ely McClain, Tom Hansen
Subject: New request
Date: 4/9/97
Hi, new joke from Dave :-(
From: Dave Joyce, Manager
To: Will Wagner, Supervisor
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/5/97
There is a request of field engineering to implement THE BUG in ftstate
of Version 6. Could you estimate a time and time scheduling to do that?
Who knows what does it mean? Will
From: Vadim Zhukov
To: Will Wagner, Supervisor
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/10/97
Well, a month ago I wrote some specifications for something like that. Maybe our big
bosses at last understood importance of my proposals? Bad.
From: Will Wagner, Supervisor
To: Vadim Zhukov
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/11/97
OK, please, send them to me. I mean specs, not bosses. Will.
From: Vadim Zhukov
To: Will Wagner, Supervisor
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/12/97
See attachment. Bad.
From: Will Wagner, Supervisor
To: Dave Joyce, Manager
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/15/97
Dave, it may be complex to implement the request of field engineers in time. Do we really
need to do so? Will
From: Dave Joyce, Manager
To: Tim Stock, Vice President
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/15/97
Tim, it's about the urgent request "THE BUG" of field engineering. Do we really need to
implement it in version 6? Dave.
From: Tim Stock, Vice President
To: Dave Joyce, Manager, Tolia Perin, Manager
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/16/97
Dave, I suppose if the request is really urgent, there is no way. We have to do that. Is it
possible to defer something else, to fit in time?
Tolia, I understand you'll have a very short time for validation of THE BUG. Please, be
ready for that.
From: Dave Joyce, Manager
To: Will Wagner, Supervisor
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/16/97
Will, there is no way. We have to implement THE BUG in version 6. Could we postpone
anything else to fit in time? Dave.
From: Will Wagner, Supervisor
To: Dave Joyce, Manager
Subject: THE BUG
Date: 4/17/97
OK, I'll try to do something.
The time passed… The bug was implemented.
From: Alex Bach, field engineer
To: Vadim Zhukov, software engineer, R&D
Subject: bug in OS
Date: 7/1/97
Vadik, it's not April 1st now, and it looks like I really found a bug in OS. Alex.